Owen A Forums tourny?



4 different brackets SFWA, Cumias, celebrities, & politicians...need some kind of qualifier

Sfwa: PST, Nikki, Mary Robinette, Brinton, Betsy, paul, mm schill, scalzi

O&a: anthony, Joe, opie, Sam, Norton, vos, Louis ck, joe rogan

Politics and celebs just pick any of them.

It'd be fun in theory, but pointless because Pat is the biggest faggot on the planet earth and nobody could compete with him


Jacques De Gautier
4 different brackets SFWA, Cumias, celebrities, & politicians...need some kind of qualifier

Sfwa: PST, Nikki, Mary Robinette, Brinton, Betsy, paul, mm schill, scalzi

O&a: anthony, Joe, opie, Sam, Norton, vos, Louis ck, joe rogan

Politics and celebs just pick any of them.

It'd be fun in theory, but pointless because Pat is the biggest faggot on the planet earth and nobody could compete with him
If you were exposed to Sam as much as retard Rick you’d hate him just as much. If there were as many audio clips of him as screenshots from Pat’s Twitter Sam may even win.


I was talking about NCAA tournament bracket
Maybe assign a team to every member of the show..can give 1 seeds to Pat Ant and Joe all the way down to the 16 seeds.

Whoever wins we should take as a sign from norm on who we take it up a notch on.