Ooga gives an interview all about his “disability”

Sue Lightning

The whole “Disability” identity really is something that needs to be “gate kept”. Imagine being in a wheel chair since birth or for a majority of your life, having people treat you like shit or minimize you for not being able to walk, then a faggot like this runs around talking about how he’s “disabled” aka lazy, has a bad back, and big nose, and use it as a label to further his minority identity and persecution complex.


Stand Alone Fruit
The whole “Disability” identity really is something that needs to be “gate kept”. Imagine being in a wheel chair since birth or for a majority of your life, having people treat you like shit or minimize you for not being able to walk, then a faggot like this runs around talking about how he’s “disabled” aka lazy, has a bad back, and big nose, and use it as a label to further his minority identity and persecution complex.
I bet from him hanging out with these sci fi freaks that are disabled made him realize he can milk his fake disability as real since the majority of them have fake disabilities. He did an interview where he said his disability is he lazy and doesn’t have the energy to do anything productive and refuses to even try to work and tells himself it ok because that’s just the way it is. Mind you, he also says he has “god level” talent and calls himself a “pen prince”. He’s so arrogant he even said he won’t try to meet writing standards asked by publishers m because he “doesn’t give a fuck” about what they require. They will get what he gives them and then complain he needs more time and money because he’s slow and lazy.
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