Only the most sheltered incel finds the idea of a man losing his temper and escalating to violence so unbelievable that it HAS to be staged


#1 Poster
Durr look at this photoshopped picture I found online! it's a conspiracy to get more viewers!



5foot9 and an attitude
Gotta be honest, you are absolutely right.

For years the argument black America had was "they don't allow us to have an equal involvement in the Oscars because to them we're inferior and act like savages". It'd be highly irrational to purposefully start a fight for attention the 1st time because it'd play into the hands of their detractors. I refuse to believe this was all contrived with no one pointing that out and saying "Will, this is a really bad idea".


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
You’re 100% right. This was my exact thought but I lack the brutal confrontational skills that you so beautifully and autistically wield.

I’m a fan.


Gotta be honest, you are absolutely right.

For years the argument black America had was "they don't allow us to have an equal involvement in the Oscars because to them we're inferior and act like savages". It'd be highly irrational to purposefully start a fight for attention the 1st time because it'd play into the hands of their detractors. I refuse to believe this was all contrived with no one pointing that out and saying "Will, this is a really bad idea".
Except Kikes hate niggers too and would do just that with their pet nigs like Will Smith to put an end to "Oscars so (((White)))" yammering from the POC crowd. Why do I have to be the one who has to think like a Kike to spell out their plots for you rubes?...this is above the streetshitter's paygrade anyway.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
It's as real as real can be, folks.

If this was fake, either of these two would have done the whole "yo fam, why we fightin'? We brothas out here, we gots ta stick 2gether if we gonna survive in 'dis world. What wood my nigga George Floyd fink to us scrappin', man. Sheeeit."

Chris Rock would have said something wittier than "this is the greatest night in the history of television".