On the radio there is a ..


How does that feel?!
Those German frauleins are freaks. Where we at with the Belgians?

I clicked and was listening to several songs while doing a few chores around the house when I heard a lyric that sounded like "america" so I came back to the computer to check it out.


my question - what kind of propaganda machine wrote these lyrics.. lol - I wonder why they don't say from Africa to Belgium

"Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Reach out your hand to me, put it in mine
And let us dream of better times
Is your skin darker or paler than mine
Let's try not to avoid each other
No one on the street speaks to you, sees you standing
Why do people hurt each other so much?
Wouldn't it be better if we
be tolerant, be tolerant
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!
The planet where you live if it's too gray sometimes
Let's promise to live together
Where it doesn't matter whether one is purple, green or blue
Because for the three of us it's all the same
No one on the street speaks to you, sees you standing
Why do people hurt each other so much?
Wouldn't it be better if we
be tolerant, be tolerant
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!
If we stand hand in hand now
Children under the sun one by one
Then heaven is on earth from now on
From everyone, from everyone
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!"


lol I clicked and was listening while doing a few chores around the house and I heard a lyric that sounded like "america" so I came back to the computer to check it out.

[MEDIA=youtube]2hMONUl66tc[/MEDIA] w

my question - what kind of propaganda machine wrote these lyrics..

"Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Reach out your hand to me, put it in mine
And let us dream of better times
Is your skin darker or paler than mine
Let's try not to avoid each other
No one on the street speaks to you, sees you standing
Why do people hurt each other so much?
Wouldn't it be better if we
be tolerant, be tolerant
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!
The planet where you live if it's too gray sometimes
Let's promise to live together
Where it doesn't matter whether one is purple, green or blue
Because for the three of us it's all the same
No one on the street speaks to you, sees you standing
Why do people hurt each other so much?
Wouldn't it be better if we
be tolerant, be tolerant
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!
If we stand hand in hand now
Children under the sun one by one
Then heaven is on earth from now on
From everyone, from everyone
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!"

Who cares about the lyrics i just want to fuck those chicks, lol.


I clicked and was listening to several songs while doing a few chores around the house when I heard a lyric that sounded like "america" so I came back to the computer to check it out.

[MEDIA=youtube]2hMONUl66tc[/MEDIA] w

my question - what kind of propaganda machine wrote these lyrics.. lol - I wonder why they don't say from Africa to Belgium

"Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Reach out your hand to me, put it in mine
And let us dream of better times
Is your skin darker or paler than mine
Let's try not to avoid each other
No one on the street speaks to you, sees you standing
Why do people hurt each other so much?
Wouldn't it be better if we
be tolerant, be tolerant
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!
The planet where you live if it's too gray sometimes
Let's promise to live together
Where it doesn't matter whether one is purple, green or blue
Because for the three of us it's all the same
No one on the street speaks to you, sees you standing
Why do people hurt each other so much?
Wouldn't it be better if we
be tolerant, be tolerant
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!
If we stand hand in hand now
Children under the sun one by one
Then heaven is on earth from now on
From everyone, from everyone
From Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Africa to America
From the Himalayas to the desert
Africa to America
Yes, we are so much more beautiful when we are together
Hand in hand!
Eye in eye!
All colors of the rainbow!"

And they don’t sing from Africa to Belgium because that was already sadly a reality by then. Belgium is lost. Thanks K3!


How does that feel?!
The music isn’t even that bad for children’s music. It’s quite catchy. At concerts all the dad’s wanted to stand in the front, lol.

I'm a sucker when it comes to dance music, esp when it sounds like stuff from the 90's. When first out of high school I lived alone and couldn't afford internet that first summer, all I had for music was a huge techno/dance music playlist that I got from my friends sister. It's impossible for me to not think of those times when I hear anything resembling those songs.


I'm a sucker when it comes to dance music, esp when it sounds like stuff from the 90's. When first out of high school I lived alone and couldn't afford internet that first summer, all I had for music was a huge techno/dance music playlist that I got from my friends sister. It's impossible for me to not think of those times when I hear anything resembling those songs.

The good old times, they will never come back :cry:




How does that feel?!
Did you do a lot of prancing, vamping and sashaying through your apartment?

only on the days I could afford some pot lol. looking back on it I should have been out having the time of my life and inviting some ladies over every weekend instead of what I actually ended up doing but still can't help but to recall those days fondly.