Oh vey


Blackface Killah
Here's a little story; when I was in high school I knew a girl who played in the original band for this faggy shit. She had her friends who thought it was cool, but most people didn't know her and pretended to fawn over her because of it. One of my first conversations with her went as followed.

"So you're in 13?"
"Yeah I'm in the band"
"...What the fuck is 13?"
"It's a musical, on Broadway."
"Oh okay."

She must have really liked that I wasn't impressed by her because your boy ended up with a stlaker situation of his own. Anyways I've known about the existence of this shit for a long time, but this is first time hearing that it's about a bar mitzvah. Yuck.


Here's a little story; when I was in high school I knew a girl who played in the original band for this faggy shit. She had her friends who thought it was cool, but most people didn't know her and pretended to fawn over her because of it. One of my first conversations with her went as followed.

"So you're in 13?"
"Yeah I'm in the band"
"...What the fuck is 13?"
"It's a musical, on Broadway."
"Oh okay."

She must have really liked that I wasn't impressed by her because your boy ended up with a atalker situation of his own. Anyways I've known about the existence of this shit for a long time, but this is first time hearing that it's about a bar mitzvah. Yuck.
What kind of pedo would make a broadway show that insisted on fresh young blood every year.

You know what type...