Official JDA Discussion thread.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I'm thinking we contain all the jda drama in one thread?
Is that a retarded Idea?
Damn it Wyyz, that's a good thread idea. JDA should be contained south of the border, if you get my drift. Because he's a mexican manlet, and belongs in mexico, where mexicans are from. He's not white, and therefore cannot be an american. Get it?

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
this guy called Pat "piggy"



I'm thinking we contain all the jda drama in one thread?
Is that a retarded Idea?
For the love of criminy... we’re still doing this? Fucking jalapeño sauce admittedly didn’t willingly leave but got kicked out of a pedo organization FOR CALLING them pedos. And yes I have trouble controlling [URL][/URL] but what’s the drama? He’s an enemy of the people that funded a lawsuit against our illustrious dot headed leader.

tl;dr you’ll eat his rice and beans and be grateful for the opportunity!