Obi-wan Kenobi


Pfizer-BioNTech approved mod
I don't need to ask where we're at with it because it obviously sucks and is gay. I just wanted to see the female Vader of color. Sure enough, it's a retarded character and the actor is exceptionally awful.

There's also a comically stupid chink Vader with space rice paddy helmet.

Obi-wan is basically a pedophile grooming Luke Skywalker. I'm not even joking.

Leia is impossibly smart, brave and rebellious. She got kidnapped by Flea from RHCP. Obi-wan has to ditch creeping on Luke to go find Leia because Jimmy Smits points out she's just as important as Luke. Girls matter!

I give it 47 chromosomes out of 46.

CuntFucker .

I assume you watched it. The thread title doesn't make that clear. You also forgot to put up the movies release year. And I'm not sure if it ruled, kind of ruled, kind of blew or if it blew.

This is not how we do film criticism on here, my friend.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
It was the one Star Wars show I'd actually consider watching but everything has sucked ass since Disney picked up the franchise so I'm not wasting my time


Pfizer-BioNTech approved mod
This is like eating faeces and complaining about it
I defer to your expertise in the matter.

It was the one Star Wars show I'd actually consider watching but everything has sucked ass since Disney picked up the franchise so I'm not wasting my time
I'm sure their next new show "Andor" will be the one that wins you over. The movie about the people who all died needed a prequel tv series about the guy who was in it.

Any adult fanbase of kids stuff shouldn't be complaining. Just shamefully watch kids stuff dont don't admit it ffs
It's like watching videos of the young soldiers coming back from Afghanistan minus their leg saying it was worth it because they believe in the mission. Fascinating psychological horror.

This is not how we do film criticism on here, my friend.