O&A movie night!


This forum saved my life!
Let's face it, many among us here are very lonely. It's not that we are uncool, but we just have a distinct type of personality and thus are unable to tolerate the masses and their banal, trivialness. For instance, it's saturday night and I am sitting alone again watching this new Boeing documentary, where they killed a bunch of people and covered it up. I have a lot I want to discuss about it with someone, but the only other living thing with me is my elderly dog, who goes to bed early. A quote by the late, intrepid, traveller, Chris McCandless, springs to mind, he said; "happiness is only real when shared" - boy do I know what he means!

I think it would be great if we could have a weekly movie night! We come up with a shortlist of films then vote on which one we would like to watch. We just need to work out a good program that allows us to stream the movie with a chatbox so we can discuss it in REAL time. I am sure this software exists but I am unaware of it, please post suggestions.

After the movie (or even TV show) is over we can come to the movie night thread on here and discuss it sort of like women do at a book club.

I know some of you will mock this suggestion but I think there is a market for this, I bet we have some real movie buffs here...


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
John's still salty about losing that sweet co-hosting gig to Artie. How big of a faggot loser do you have to be to get rejected by Compound Media?

This big, apparently:
