None of the Tomlinsons could survive on their mother's breast milk


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
As we already know, pig couldn't tolerate Mama Raven's rotten tit milk as a piglet and had to seek other forms of sustenance. However, it's also come to light that Mama Raven couldn't have her mother's breast milk either and had to drink goat's milk (wtf?). Not only that, but her aunt was raised on horse's "milk". Nature clearly didn't want this bloodline to survive...


Is Patrick S Tomlinson some kind of horrific horse/goat/pig/human hybrid?? I think we have all the evidence we need.
No mention of Kyle. I wonder if he was ok with raven milk.
Opens up an interesting discussion regarding the mother/baby bonding through feeding etc.
Was mama raven subconsciously more of a cunt to patrick?
Something in her maternal psyche rejects the piggly one as an abomination that cant even suckle from the being that birthed it.
I wonder how many times she stood over his crib with a pillow in her hand.
Kyle was definitely the Golden Boy.
Patrick was likely placated with whatever words/food/things worked the quickest. Just so as not to have to deal with him. Every time a re-assuring look would be thrown Kyle's way and from a young age he understood that Patrick wasn't the special son, he was the "special" son.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Tomlinson was adopted

Thats why momma raven doted on him so heavily

We must find his real parents

@RobertMewler get your people on this, I don’t wanna see your team on /pol/ until I get an answer to this



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someone tweet this to his mom so she can feel like the worthless failure that she is. Also, don’t forget to ask Torque and his mother how his daughter handled her breastfeeding. Oh right, they wouldn’t know.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
LOL nature has been trying to snuff out this bloodline for generations but they keep suckling the farm animals.