Noam Chomsky: pontificating old douche?

I saw a video of him today saying how US/The West were suffering at minimum the level of propaganda attributed to soviet-era Russia. Two years ago he was advocating for unvaccinated people to be isolated from society, based on information from this (according to him) propaganda machine.

What's the best thing he's ever contributed? I'm genuinely interested... Or maybe this waste of oxygen should be isolated from society, & getting food/medicine is his problem (exactly what he said about the unvaccinated).


The last bit of this clip is vurry good. He could be a first step for some people, but he has limited usefulness beyond that.

Lately he's had taken a lot of questionable positions



Still spreading the O&A virus
He is an old kike who needs to die already. He likely leaked information about Pat Tillman to the CIA as well.