Nick Rekieta permanently banned from Youtube



Apologies for the JDA clip. For those that don't know, Nick Rekieta was a lawyer who did nightly (or daily for some of us) livestreams covering popular legal cases such as Rittenhouse, Amber Heard, and Chandler Halderson. At his peak he had over 60,000 concurrent viewers whilst covering the Rittenhouse trial. He became a target by the troonsquad after covering Keffals and having Josh Moon on his show. Over the next few weeks he was mass reported and now he's gone forever. I hate our gay society and I look forward to an actually feasible youtube clone.


not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Nick is jewish. He's said this during a stream when the Rittenhouse trial was going on. Can't say I'm upset about another jewish grifter getting fucked by his own people.


You're only allowed to be a grifter if you tow the line. It was only a matter of time before Rekieta got taken down. You're not allowed to make money off wrongthink.

Sucks but that's the world we live in now.


ralph is so good at rapping

even tho this is a parody and ralph hates it, it's on an eminem level of self depreciation, he could totally use it for himself

like his mariah carrey diss track