Nice teeth, Your Royal Stupidness




WTF. There's no excuse for anyone, let alone a billionaire, to have teeth like that. Thanks for perpetuating the Simpson's meme of British teeth, shitbird.

Some of us go to the dentist three times a year and the hygienist every three months. Yet our new king has a set that makes Niki's look like a Hollywood smile. Disgusting and so, so avoidable.


They are below Kanye West, Kim kardashian etc, but not "B-list" celebs. A minus, I guess...Cant believe Brits even entertain thoughts about them since Meghan Marble or whatever her name is
What kind of face is that? What's that supposed to convey?

He's signing an important document. His man should have been paying the smallest amount of attention to the situation and made sure all unnecessary items were removed from the table. What is King Charles supposed to do? Dump the pencil case on the floor??

To put it another way, it's "supposed to convey" that someone will be getting a polo crop to the bum bum.
He's signing an important document. His man should have been paying the smallest amount of attention to the situation and made sure all unnecessary items were removed from the table. What is King Charles supposed to do? Dump the pencil case on the floor??

To put it another way, it's "supposed to convey" that someone will be getting a polo crop to the bum bum.

What a weird reaction though. Shit happens. I guess when you literally haven't walked an unpaved gravel road your entire life, you never learn how to roll with the punches. It must really mess with your mind.

Here in Scandinavia we have royals too. I heard on a podcast that when one guy did his mandatory military service and the king was to visit, they were told to hide all toilet paper rolls. The king shouldn't have to deal with seeing toilet paper. Every little moment of a king's life is like that.


A circle of N-words
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WTF. There's no excuse for anyone, let alone a billionaire, to have teeth like that. Thanks for perpetuating the Simpson's meme of British teeth, shitbird.

Some of us go to the dentist three times a year and the hygienist every three months. Yet our new king has a set that makes Niki's look like a Hollywood smile. Disgusting and so, so avoidable.
And hes got the nerve to suck on newborn baby foreskins with that mouth.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
My father's father's side can be traced back to owning land in England about 800 years before these krauts turned up so, as far as I'm concerned, I'm just discussing immigration.

thats the most based shit i ever heard about the royal family

i see why everyone speaks so highly of you


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
He's signing an important document. His man should have been paying the smallest amount of attention to the situation and made sure all unnecessary items were removed from the table. What is King Charles supposed to do? Dump the pencil case on the floor??

To put it another way, it's "supposed to convey" that someone will be getting a polo crop to the bum bum.

He could've spit on the floor like it was an Atlantic City casino.