Nice Kobe death, stupid


junkie idiot 😘

Basketball is gay but the dumbest shit they ever did was forcing players to do one year in college before turning pro. Literally the only sport that you can play pro at 18. What’s the point of going to Kansas U for one year? Fucking stupid. Totally not a worthless 1/4 degree. You think they ever went to class? “War is bad, war makes me sad.” The only funny Sam story.
Shit's about to get real weird.

Someone on 4chan made a point that Reddit seemed to miss entirely: even though this dude wasn't "the supreme leader", he was slated to be the next one, and the current one is 85 and in failing health.

Which means that all of their top leadership will be g-o-n-e when the Supreme Leader eventually passes away.

Khamenei has been running the country for 35 years, and the expectation was Ebrahim Raisi would be running it after he passes.

Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
No one ever gives Bryant enough shit for literally killing everyone on the helicopter. The pilot told him it was too foggy to fly but he decided to do it anyways. “#8 is the rapist but 24 has a great work ethic.” Daniel Tosh
shouldn't the pilot have been like "fuck no"? I could see thinking if the pilot thinks it's doable than some moron thinking it's doable.

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
That being said, this is fucking sick: Dude really was a Tiger Woods type competitor. Cold as ice, genuinely a generational talent. Genuinely. The picture of him playing defense on Jordan when he was 18 is iconic. Let me see if I can find it.

Sorry Bonnster but it was later revealed Barnes was faking a pass to the right and not at Kobe’s face. I’m sorry you’re so stupid