Nice instruction, stupid



Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
The single-engine Cessna 172, carrying Ljungman, the student pilot Oluwagbohunmi Ayomide Oyebode and another unidentified 18-year-old student, crashed around 3 p.m. in a ditch at Newport News-Williamsburg Airport.

Tuskeegee NigAirman, amirite?
Lol I laughed at lot at that. Does that even fit on a license?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
It must be pretty dumbed down if a 23 year old blonde chick can get one and then qualify to be an instructor somehow.
Well womerns are superior to men in every way, so not sure where you're going with the misogyny, fella.

And this jernt was probably a puppy-mill for instructors. Low-time/inexperienced instructor staff turning out more low-time/inexperienced instructor staff. At 1200 hours they all go fly jets somewhere, so no one there with more than 2 years experience.

Zero hours to CFI in X months, then tote some apes around and die in a crash.