Nana will kill itself within the decade


If he can make it 7 years to Social Security eligibility, he'll be safe. Can he make it 7 years, is the question.
He's 60, right? He looks like a drowned corpse. He's got a bum ticker, and least cirrhosis. My grandfather drank at the level or more than him and developed bad dementia not much older than him. Everyone is different, but the level of his drinking has got to put him on that path.


May St. Mel bless you
That's what we should look forward to Nana living out her final days in South Carolina. She'll be broke and feeble and and up in a shitty state run nursing home, where she will be at the mercy of underpaid nogs all day everyday.




McMansion has been on hold for two months now at least. And any money he was going to get was going to some sand monkey he borrowed money from.

I really hope he leaves Dawn and Joe with nothing.
Nearly 2 and a half months now… Dawn just bought a new place for $290k, it would be a real shame if she lost her $60k/year no-show job and wasn’t able to afford that mortgage.