Mystery Science Theater 3000 infuriates me. I hate “nerd” comedy. Naht funny


I had to sift through a norton thread where people pretended like martin scorsese was a hack, but mystery science theatre is where we're drawing the line, huh
Make a post about something you like then, faggot. And for what it’s worth scorsese is obviously not a hack so I’m not just trying to be a fawkin hater. I just thought it would be funny to shit on mst3k but apparently it got all the panties of the gen x fags on here in a wad.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I think that the biggest problem is that they wouldn't let it die. It should have ended with the movie, or the "Danger : Diabolik" episode back in 99 or 2000, which WAS supposed to be the last episode. But it never really should have continued after Forrester left. Had it ended then and not been diluted by a succession of increasingly inferior antagonists and unfunny leads, it would be looked back upon fondly rather than greeting each new incarnation with an eyeroll.


‘Sidehackers’ (1991)

Part 1 [MEDIA=dailymotion]x2hmf7z[/MEDIA]

Part 2



dirty nachos
there was a brief period in time when I pursued standup, but quickly packed it in once I saw just how saturated it had become. being funny doesn't feel special anymore, as gay as that sounds. everyone thinks they're a comedian
You have to think outside the box.

How doing some magic and comedy. You would be able to work on a cruse ship.

Or get a puppet that looks like Jim Norton. Name said puppet after Jim or Anth. That way, you know you will have us as fans.


jen_tomlinson’s #1 fan
You have to think outside the box.

How doing some magic and comedy. You would be able to work on a cruse ship.

Or get a puppet that looks like Jim Norton. Name said puppet after Jim or Anth. That way, you know you will have us as fans.
actually, my act involved me wearing dumb sports jerseys, a shitty curly wig and glasses, and making "intentionally" interminably abysmal jokes


actually, my act involved me wearing dumb sports jerseys, a shitty curly wig and glasses, and making "intentionally" interminably abysmal jokes