My wife is right here laughing at you, she enjoys spending nights next to me as I talk to my "stalkers".

Uncle Floyd

“Too many goddamn scuddleheads.”
Quite young for 42? He has grey hair on the sides and looks like my uncle who is in his mid 60s before his first heart attack.

Also why would Niki be laughing? I thought these are serious and very dangerous crimes yet she’s laughing? He went on the news to cry he’s a victim but she’s laughing? If it’s so funny why are police investigating? Piggy really fucked himself there.
He probably thinks he looks young for his age because his parents looked 57 when they were in their 20s. He looks like he's in his late 40s, my age group. But that fat nigger wishes he looked as young as me. Belie'dat!


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
"I look quite young for my age." is confirmation of Pat's Homer Simpson Disorder.


Pat, you look fucking ancient for 42. I asked my wife how old she thought you were over a year ago and she said "About 53?" You look even worse now.