My Son Hunter Trailer



Fuckin libs dont know whats coming. OWNED

Edit: just saw the breitbart logo at the end. So all the people that know about/have their mind made up about Hunter Biden will watch and love this, and those ignoring Hunter’s alleged crimes will not watch/not hear about this movie. Nice wash, stupid
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Fuckin libs dont know whats coming. OWNED

Edit: just saw the breitbart logo at the end. So all the people that know about/have their mind made up about Hunter Biden will watch and love this, and those ignoring Hunter’s alleged crimes will not watch/not hear about this movie. Nice wash, stupid
It's just like those Project Veritass videos that have spooky music and jump cuts fucking worthless that no one who doesn't already believe it will even bother with.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
If it even hints at what's on his laptop or iCloud, it will just be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" even if they show proof - or the video will be outright scrubbed from the internet. Hunter has got to be the most protected colossal fuck up ever - but has there ever been a president's kid who WASN'T a colossal fuck up?


The right has historically sucked at making quality movies the criticize the left.

This is by far the best they've done.

You bitter cunts need to get laid, or perhaps go outside once in awhile? Maybe eat a home cooked meal?


Dirty Bastard
So it's directed by Special Agent Johnson from Die Hard and stars Lawrence Fox (cancelled Brit actor whose career highlight was co-starring in a crappy TV police procedural.) Nah.
Yeah but he’s more famous for being Billie Pipers ex. And being a really shit actor

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
Fuckin libs dont know whats coming. OWNED

Edit: just saw the breitbart logo at the end. So all the people that know about/have their mind made up about Hunter Biden will watch and love this, and those ignoring Hunter’s alleged crimes will not watch/not hear about this movie. Nice wash, stupid
I have my mind up about Hunter being the problem that all the right wingers say he is, movie still looks fuckin retarded.

In my opinion, it looks like Vice. They couldn't decide to just make it a comedy shitting on Cheney so they had to make it a dramamentary peppered with comedy.