My dress size hasn't gone up in one hundred years, stlaker




It's a plantation! Look it up!

No stlaker, I didn't bust through my corset. Those are your delusions again.

Welp, looks like I got a case of the vapors again. A thread. 1/11
Blind Tom and Mingo tried running away, so we set the dogs on them and honestly this is the most South Carolina thing to ever happen.

No, stlaker. I do not drink mint juleps.

No, child. It was not a "civil" war. It is and always was a war of Northern aggression. I'm sorry you're so stupid.
Blind Tom and Mingo tried running away, so we set the dogs on them and honestly this is the most South Carolina thing to ever happen.

No, stlaker. I do not drink mint juleps.

No, child. It was not a "civil" war. It is and always was a war of Northern aggression. I'm sorry you're so stupid.
Lincoln is an illegitimate president and traitor installed by a foreign power, child.