My Cousin's Ex works for The MPD


He said they responded to a call 2 weeks ago from the Tomlinsons. Pat claimed he was coming home from a killer set at the comedy club when, what he described, as an ex cop and Indian American road by in a pick up truck and shouted at him "This is Atalker Country, nigger" and handed him a dominos pizza. The strangest part was he was still wearing the rubber pig snout they supposedly put on him when the police arrived almost an hour later.

Needless to say there's a lot of skepticism regarding the Tomlinsons and this case in particular internally. Make of this what you will.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
I knew it. Of course Pat is a big (FAT!) fan of Jared the child rapist. Hey Pat, you know tuna sub backwards is bust a nut, right?

But I’m sure he doesn’t order anything as healthy as a mayo sandwich with flecks of tuna on white bread.