My cat has a wound on his neck.

Think I got it

Looks more like a spreading skin condition than a wound. Get him to the vet nigga.

Also, whose paws is it to the left?


Ribbed for your pleasure
I bet it's an abscess from fighting other cats. If their claws/teeth break the skin that shit gets infected super easily and eventually bursts.

We had a big orange Tom cat when I was a kid and one day he had a massive wound on his neck with a flap of skin hanging off. Took him to the vet and found out it's a thing. At the very least he needs it cleaned up and antibiotics (if you are that against sending him to cat heaven/hell, I dont know how good of a cat he is.)


To all the "just take him to the vet" fucks, he's not my cat. He's some tom cat that I started feeding and now he won't fuck off.

I'm not taking a cat, that I don't even own, to the vet and spending hundreds of dollars on him. But at the same time I don't want him injured or suffering.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
To all the "just take him to the vet" fucks, he's not my cat. He's some tom cat that I started feeding and now he won't fuck off.

I'm not taking a cat, that I don't even own, to the vet and spending hundreds of dollars on him. But at the same time I don't want him injured or suffering.
A) it's your cat, so you get him medical treatment.
B) it's not your cat, so you let nature take care of it.
If there's any middle ground, it's
C) put some neosporin on the wound and hope for the best.
It's not that difficult to figure out, 3 pages of this seems very excessive.


A) it's your cat, so you get him medical treatment.
B) it's not your cat, so you let nature take care of it.
If there's any middle ground, it's
C) put some neosporin on the wound and hope for the best.
It's not that difficult to figure out, 3 pages of this seems very excessive.
Not trying to be a faggot but more like "3 pages of not wanting an animal to needlessly suffer if someone had something to do about it".

Edit: but thanks for the advice.


Had that happen to a family cat. As others have mentioned, the wound is probably infected so they have to shave its hair, dig the fuck out if the wound to get the infected shit out and then treat with antibiotics. At least find a way to put it out of its misery if the vet isnt an option. I mean i really dont blame you, vets are fucking expensive for the big stuff

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
To all the "just take him to the vet" fucks, he's not my cat. He's some tom cat that I started feeding and now he won't fuck off.

I'm not taking a cat, that I don't even own, to the vet and spending hundreds of dollars on him. But at the same time I don't want him injured or suffering.
Well suck his little feline dick already, you nigger.

Or, I don't know, take him to the vet and they'll suck his cock.

Take him to Marge's cattery.
Now Dan, you're not going to believe this...