Mosh pits are the funniest things to me


Still spreading the O&A virus
I never understood it. Rock and metal dudes are embarrassing faggots.
Pretty much any male dominated scene outside of playing sports is for massive faggots. And with the whole Jerry Sandusky thing most sports above age 18 are likely for colossal faggots as well unless you are a pro. I could not imagine participating in a male dominated hobby and not feel like a total retard unless it was highly productive like learning to fix your house up or whatever.

Imagine being a rock 'star' and instead of young females these are the losers that populate your shows.
I never understood it. Rock and metal dudes are embarrassing faggots.
Back in the day, it was a hardcore punk thing, kind of a way to separate the psychos from more "casual" fans. Then the thrash metal guys co-opted it, and it became more of a straight violence thing. Then, as fads tend to do, it became the "in" thing to do at concerts, at which point it devolved into pure faggotry. "Mosh pits" at Travis Scott shows...LOL get the fuck out of here.
Pretty much any male dominated scene outside of playing sports is for massive faggots. And with the whole Jerry Sandusky thing most sports above age 18 are likely for colossal faggots as well unless you are a pro. I could not imagine participating in a male dominated hobby and not feel like a total retard unless it was highly productive like learning to fix your house up or whatever.

Imagine being a rock 'star' and instead of young females these are the losers that populate your shows.

I disagree. Every hobby that matters is male dominated. And besides, this forum and its activities is a prime example of male dominated hobby.
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Ain't it fun?
WWAW trying to open up a fawken pit and people just all immediately go out of your way so you look like a spastic while they look at you?

IT'S A METAL CONCERT YOU FAGS, i can stil hear myself yelling before huffing and puffing and turning back to the stage dejectedly.

The world is all faggots now.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Craziest pit I saw was Slayer in 2007 when they played Angel of Death. I wasn't in the eye of it, but I got shifted from one side of the theatre to the other. Mastodon opened for them and it was only $70 a ticket.

I don't remember anyone moshing for Metallica when I saw them in 2013, but it was a fucking 100 degree day.


You use faggot Metallica as your metal mosh pit example? I've seen better moshing at a 311 show.