Pinnacle of the 2000's american television. A time portal to 2008.
maury povich meets who wants to be a millionaire meets cash cab.
licentious. salacious. indignatious. jackie chiles .jpg.
Maybe I need to take my meds but you can see the difference in people before social media rotted their brains.
I can watch a necklacing or cartel torture video while eating a burger unphased, but I get teary eyed like a pissy faggot at the emotion here.
[checks notes] all free on youtube
maury povich meets who wants to be a millionaire meets cash cab.
licentious. salacious. indignatious. jackie chiles .jpg.
Maybe I need to take my meds but you can see the difference in people before social media rotted their brains.
I can watch a necklacing or cartel torture video while eating a burger unphased, but I get teary eyed like a pissy faggot at the emotion here.
[checks notes] all free on youtube