Mom yelled at me against last night

This time it's because I'm too skinny and don't have any muscles. I'm just so tired and there is nothing to look forward to anymore. It's just going to work a few days a week to come home and get yelled at by my parents and then be stuck alone with my thoughts all night. It's like Groundhog Day

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
This time it's because I'm too skinny and don't have any muscles. I'm just so tired and there is nothing to look forward to anymore. It's just going to work a few days a week to come home and get yelled at by my parents and then be stuck alone with my thoughts all night. It's like Groundhog Day

Does your mom have nice beefers?


This time it's because I'm too skinny and don't have any muscles. I'm just so tired and there is nothing to look forward to anymore. It's just going to work a few days a week to come home and get yelled at by my parents and then be stuck alone with my thoughts all night. It's like Groundhog Day
She wanted to have a muscular black baby, but instead got you...

Your mom fucks niggers.