Mike David of RedBar radio accidentally admits to having crippling INCEST PORN addiction.

Context: Aaron (Nana ballwasher) of steel toe cope-soon-rope show has been completely humiliated and Mike flexes his incest porn knowledge to in an attempt to further humiliate him.

-1 to RedBar for not knowing about the hot tub stream assgrabbing. Slam dunk for Aaron being involved with gay stuff.

There's a show from a couple years back which has Jules outing Mike's furtive use of the office computer for jerking it to Stepmom degeneracy. His facial reaction says more than real evidence ever could.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Mike is a pedophile who groomed his underage now wife. She’s a mudshark by that way and Mike definitely slurped up black cum like an oyster.
i would love a Fatrick Simpsons avatar but i'm too lazy