Michael Rapaport is a kike loving faggot


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
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All you needed to say.


The wiggerish way he talks you might think he grew up in Brownsville or Staten Island. But you'll probably be completely unsurprised to hear that he actually grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, one of the most expensive residential areas in the world. Posing faggot.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
The wiggerish way he talks you might think he grew up in Brownsville or Staten Island. But you'll probably be completely unsurprised to hear that he actually grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, one of the most expensive residential areas in the world. Posing faggot.
nigga nothing lighter than the shade of your average shit log has lived in Brownsville since probably the 60s. You can tell Brownsville is mega dangerous because even in broad daylight, the streets are completely deserted


nigga nothing lighter than the shade of your average shit log has lived in Brownsville since probably the 60s. You can tell Brownsville is mega dangerous because even in broad daylight, the streets are completely deserted
I've been to Manhattan several times and other parts of NY a few but never there. I just know it as where Tyson grew up so associate it with poor black shithole. Is it not a hipster gentrified faggotdom now?

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
I've been to Manhattan several times and other parts of NY a few but never there. I just know it as where Tyson grew up so associate it with poor black shithole. Is it not a hipster gentrified faggotdom now?
Brownsville is where niggers go to get killed by other niggers. Same as East New York, the neighborhood right next to Brownsville. They both used to be Italian, Irish, jew, etc enclaves aka safe and functional. Gonna take a nuclear bomb to dislodge the apes for gentrification


Brownsville is where niggers go to get killed by other niggers. Same as East New York, the neighborhood right next to Brownsville. They both used to be Italian, Irish, jew, etc enclaves aka safe and functional. Gonna take a nuclear bomb to dislodge the apes for gentrification
So you're saying I should avoid visiting it next time I'm in Brooklyn?