Metal Shop Pat appears


What the fuck is he talking about? Most car bodies are made of aluminum. That isn't even controversial. They also crumble safer in accidents, absorbing the energy keeping the occupants alive.
How's it Made did a series on building supercars a lot of aluminum body panels that they glue together no welding, Pat would refuse to believe it


I hate Tesla cars and all electric cars for that matter, they aren't a solution to gas powered cars, but that's what happens when a fad gains traction. However, if Elon was a super lefty this clown would be worshipping him as some sort of Bruce Wayne the people need.
Pat's reticular activating system is really fat. He filters out all information that doesn't conform with his hypothesis... Which is why we're all going to prison even though that's not true at all, why Tesla sucks because Elon doesn't agree with a couple far left principles, and why Pat is extraordinarily obese.


What the fuck is he talking about? Most car bodies are made of aluminum. That isn't even controversial. They also crumble safer in accidents, absorbing the energy keeping the occupants alive.
Yep. It's probably what saved that Indian guy and his family when he purposely drove his Tesla off a cliff in California. First responders who arrived on the scene assumed they were responding to fatalities.
