

Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I always get mad that you cant just ground and pound it, even against the worst front 7s.
You could have Mcaffrey against the Jaguars and you wont go anywhere, its bullshit
It’s nigger nonsense dude. I play 2k mostly it’s been a while since I played madden. Nigga wtf is I can have my own slave team and I have to buy packs of niggers? smh


Shock Jock
It’s nigger nonsense dude. I play 2k mostly it’s been a while since I played madden. Nigga wtf is I can have my own slave team and I have to buy packs of niggers? smh
I rarely play, but I remember playing as the Cowboys with Demarco Murray when their OLine was the best in the league.
2nd and 7 Id run it and not get shit every single time. Unrealistic nigger shit. I turned off the console in the 2nd quarter

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I stay away for any of those " My team" card game modes. Ill usually by a title and play it for 3 years before buying another one that is on sale for like $10. I just play the My GM type modes so after the first season the rosters arent current anymore. Thats all these titles have been for years are $60 roster updates. Watched my old roommate spend at least $500 ( that he would admit to) over the year on his My Team cards then right when he maxed out his team the new version came out like a week later and he started all over. I know there are people that spend even more than that too. They will never make these games better if people are spending that much every year on that mode. Why would they?