Lost Highway (1997)


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
Undoubtedly Jim Norton’s best role.


Watched this movie when I was dealing with a nasty relationship and always related to it. The cabin scene was some of the best Lynch shit ever. As well as Robert Loggia running a driver off the road and beating his ass while doing a monologue.

Not fond of the soundtrack in comparison with other lynch projects but it fits the seedy LA atmosphere.

Probably in my top 3 Lynch projects

Edit: And Patricia Arquette’s fucking sexy ass body. She’s a dog now lol
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Watched this movie when I was dealing with a nasty relationship and always related to it. The cabin scene was some of the best Lynch shit ever. As well as Robert Loggia running a driver off the road and beating his ass while doing a monologue.

Not fond of the soundtrack in comparison with other lynch projects but it fits the seedy LA atmosphere.

Probably in my top 3 Lynch projects

Edit: And Patricia Arquette’s fucking sexy ass body. She’s a dog now lol
One of his creepiest in my opinion. I agree with the soundtrack although the Bowie song at the beginning slaps.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
In grad school, my gf (a PhD candidate in the English dept) taught classes on Lynch. I haven't shared this here before. She made me watch this with her on her couch, me having never seen any Lynch shit before except Dune. I remember getting pretty angry by the end of Act 1 and calling it pretentious nonsense, then I woke up several hours later in the same spot to find she'd invited over a bunch of the girls from her program for a Lynch viewing party/coke sesh and I fawkin bounced.
Everything he does is nonsense and I will die on this hill.
I am going to kill you.


In grad school, my gf (a PhD candidate in the English dept) taught classes on Lynch. I haven't shared this here before. She made me watch this with her on her couch, me having never seen any Lynch shit before except Dune. I remember getting pretty angry by the end of Act 1 and calling it pretentious nonsense, then I woke up several hours later in the same spot to find she'd invited over a bunch of the girls from her program for a Lynch viewing party/coke sesh and I fawkin bounced.
Everything he does is nonsense and I will die on this hill.
Not car crashing this but I'm thinking it


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
In grad school, my gf (a PhD candidate in the English dept) taught classes on Lynch. I haven't shared this here before. She made me watch this with her on her couch, me having never seen any Lynch shit before except Dune. I remember getting pretty angry by the end of Act 1 and calling it pretentious nonsense, then I woke up several hours later in the same spot to find she'd invited over a bunch of the girls from her program for a Lynch viewing party/coke sesh and I fawkin bounced.
Everything he does is nonsense and I will die on this hill.