Loser doesn't know who Dan is

This idiot PM:ed me asking who Dan is, saying he doesn't dare to ask on the forums openly since he would appear clueless. Apparently it's one of those "I didn't learn in the beginning, and now too much time has passed for me to ask" situations. Let's go ahead an explain in this thread so this noob - who isn't me - can finally know.

Allegedly he doesn't know dick about the internet either, so let's cut him some slack.
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Post the name unless it's YOU who doesn't know who Dan is and came up with this ridiculous story 🤔. Also someone not getting a Dan reference is too meta for me tbh.

Guy posts using his real name and location. His head grows and grows until he decides "this group of cyberstalkers who turn on everyone is sure to not turn on me when I make a 3 hour podcast about Patrick!". I think you can guess what happened next.
Post the name unless it's YOU who doesn't know who Dan is and came up with this ridiculous story 🤔. Also someone not getting a Dan reference is too meta for me tbh.

Guy posts using his real name and location. His head grows and grows until he decides "this group of cyberstalkers who turn on everyone is sure to not turn on me when I make a 3 hour podcast about Patrick!". I think you can guess what happened next.

Are you crazy? Of course I knew who Dan was. Who in their right mind wouldn't, right? 🤣

I was just taking pity on this fool who sent me the PM, and I promised not to reveal his username. But now that we've given him those clues together I'm sure he has figured it out.


This idiot PM:ed me asking who Dan is, saying he doesn't dare to ask on the forums openly since he would appear clueless. Apparently it's one of those "I didn't learn in the beginning, and now too much time has passed for me to ask" situations. Let's go ahead an explain in this thread so this noob - who isn't me - can finally know.
Dan was the gay guy Owen used to pay to mow his lawn. Now he lives somewhere else.


Post the name unless it's YOU who doesn't know who Dan is and came up with this ridiculous story 🤔. Also someone not getting a Dan reference is too meta for me tbh.

Guy posts using his real name and location. His head grows and grows until he decides "this group of cyberstalkers who turn on everyone is sure to not turn on me when I make a 3 hour podcast about Patrick!". I think you can guess what happened next.
It’s not difficult to sum up Mr. Mullen but that was pretty good. I would have also accepted: guy who thought to himself,’ These normal functioning fully employable sober gentleman will totally respect my HOT Brazilian wife’

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
were a kind of forum 'royalty' and conducted themselves as such...I honestly thought the "Mewler report" was a central pillar for this place, that everyone was 'in on it'...then i come to find out nobody really was, it was just an eccentric royal pass-time/imbibing that we entertained.

Then some kind of revolutionary spirit entered the forums and now their status is lowly, or like with Tony/Snake, they checked out.
We get a round of infighting once every 20 months days. It's a good thing, gets rid of the bad blood.

This place is kinda like the French Revolution in that yesterday's heroes could be carted off to the guillotine in disgrace tomorrow, all while being mocked by the mob for wearing those gay stockings.