Looks like there is finally a political party in the US I can get behind!



[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/new-hampshire-governor-calls-controversial-tweets-by-state-libertarian-party-e2-80-98horribly-insulting-e2-80-99/ar-AA11eN6k[/URL] FbB9X_JWYAAkVD7.jpg


sinking titanic... ^^ rearranging the deck chairs.

You're dumb af if you're politicized at this point. Only a reset where everyone starts from zero will work for the US debt (the owners wont, of course...they'll just have zoomers blame boomers, even through boomers had no say for the relocation of jobs or the importation of H1B visa workers)...politics is at this point, a luxury. Your country wont make 2025 IMO, even if a dozen new parties form.

The only thing that can right wrongs is a reset (not the one theyr'e pushing, but one where everyone from Bezos to Fatrick, all start with 0 credit and 0 debit. (They wont....they will just put it all on the fatricks of the country).


sinking titanic... ^^ rearranging the deck chairs.

You're dumb af if you're politicized at this point. Only a reset where everyone starts from zero will work for the US debt (the owners wont, of course...they'll just have zoomers blame boomers, even through boomers had no say for the relocation of jobs or the importation of H1B visa workers)...politics is at this point, a luxury. Your country wont make 2025 IMO, even if a dozen new parties form.

The only thing that can right wrongs is a reset (not the one theyr'e pushing, but one where everyone from Bezos to Fatrick, all start with 0 credit and 0 debit. (They wont....they will just put it all on the fatricks of the country).
We're in the looting phase of a dying empire. It's been that way since since 2008.

You now have armed pedos, defending pedos being around children.

The only silver lining is, White replacement is getting more talked about.


It sounds like LPNational made them delete the six million tweet, even though it only got a fraction of outrage as the McCain tweet