Look how angry this little jew is



[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/h3h3productions/status/1583208694468050944[/URL]

What came first... Jews hating christians or christians hating Jews?

You can sense Ethan's deep hatred of Christian goyim. Quite a thing, watching the Jew recoil and hiss like a cornered rat.


Whatever she wants to do after I've agooshed is her dumb business.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
He seethes at the mention of Ben Shapiro...inter-jew beefs is something fascinating to witness. Its like goys cant affect them as much as each other. (admirable tbh)
Because they can see the Jewish behaviour for what it is, but can't call it out directly in public. It's like a wrestler from the 80s breaking kayfabe. Ethan is seething because Shapiro uses Owens like Jews used blacks in the Civil Rights Movement. At best, Candace and Shapiro use each other, but there's no way Candace is using Shapiro like a 'useful idiot' like Ethan claims.

Shapiro wins because Zionism trumps just being a Jew. Hila is pro-Israel I think, but she's a moron who is crazy.


Because they can see the Jewish behaviour for what it is, but can't call it out directly in public. It's like a wrestler from the 80s breaking kayfabe. Ethan is seething because Shapiro uses Owens like Jews used blacks in the Civil Rights Movement. At best, Candace and Shapiro use each other, but there's no way Candace is using Shapiro like a 'useful idiot' like Ethan claims.

Shapiro wins because Zionism trumps just being a Jew. Hila is pro-Israel I think, but she's a moron who is crazy.
Two Jews arguing over who is more anti-semitic is really just them fighting the urge to scream "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING YOU FUCKING KIKE!"