Liberals hatred of Florida...


I have never met a liberal person who has had a good thing to say about the state of Florida.

I got people from Denver saying how shitty Florida is and how everyone is backwards.

Are they not aware of how horrid most liberal cities are? Do they not seen the bums and druggies sleeping in tents on a sidewalk?

Florida isn't a southern state like Georgia. But everyone assume the state is. It's really bizarre.


Two of my Puerto Rican friends moved to Florida started roofing companies and furthered their alcohol and cocaine addiction careers. They love trump hate liberals even though they're so drunk they never make sense when they're bitching about NY
Liberals move there when they are old and retired. Conservatives move there when they are giant losers elsewhere.


The panhandle is fine. God's country, there. The rest of it is a trashy, artificial hellscape. Speaking of panhandles, Florida is slammed full of homeless and degenerates. The "nice" cities and neighborhoods look like they were either built yesterday or 1987.


Blackface Killah
My area of South FLA feels like it's going to shit fast.

Housing prices have skyrocketed and a few people I know already bailed out for places with cheaper costs of living. Want to rent a 2 bedroom apartment here? $2-3k a month now. My buddy just bought a one bedroom, 500 sq ft house for like $250k - and it's in the white people ghetto where he has to deal with parolee neighbors racing dirt bikes up and down the road all day every fucking day.

Pan-handlers are on EVERY FUCKING CORNER holding up signs. Homeless are EVERYWHERE.

Traffic is out of control. Every major road in my area is completely gridlocked at 4-5p. The other day it took me 30 fucking minutes to get from the off-ramp to my gated community and it's maybe a mile down the road.

This all happened in the course of about 18 months. It is surreal.

The weather also sucks half the year. It's 90° with 85% humidity right now and it will be this way into October. It is fucking brutal. It seems like it gets hotter every summer and last longer. I've been really thinking about bailing out within the next few years, but I'm also established here and my career makes it hard to pick up and move. Fuck.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I lived in Jacksonville (Jack n Kill) and it was something. I lived in the redneck area but still dumb faggots would go mudding in the park next door after it rained and assholes would yell shit at me when I was out for a run. But every time there were shootings you knew it was either 109th street on the west side (westganistan), metro north/main and 8th, Arlington or one of the shitty areas of US 1. And you could guess who was normally involved.. and Regency was the mall you went to to get stabbed

Edit honorable mention to Baldwin, and Whitehouse white but all the trashiest ones
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I lived in Jacksonville (Jack n Kill) and it was something. I lived in the redneck area but still dumb faggots would go mudding in the park next door after it rained and assholes would yell shit at me when I was out for a run. But every time there were shootings you knew it was either 109th street on the west side (westganistan), metro north/main and 8th, Arlington or one of the shitty areas of US 1
You know Florida. The further north you are, the more southern it gets.