Lets see all you fucking racists defend this one



The person who called the cops on him was a negress, the cops responded thinking there was a bank robbery and detained him without any fuck ups. They almost immediately let him go after figuring out what happened.


Thanks for the synopsis.



(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I tried. As soon as I saw Anthony and he started haha hoolleee sheeeeiiiting I had to tap.
Hrmph. What’s the matter? JEALOUS of my baby bro???? 😅😅😅😂🤣

Let me give you LIBTARDS a quick lesson. I’m taking my morning DUMP so I have a few MINUTES to SPARE…Interestingly enough, my BOWL RINGER has more brains than YOU. I’ll elaborate at a later time 😎

You weak LIBERALS have NEVER had any modicum of SUCCESS before. So, you REACT. And you REACT out of JEALOUSY AND ENVY at ME and my BROTHER. Simple as. We worked HARD to get what we DESERVE: success, a little poker money 👌😎 and the FREEDOM 🇺🇸 To do as WE WANT!!!!

You mock AntH for his LAUGH, but I ask you THIS: HOW MANY TIMES has he made you LAUGH in your PATHETIC BASEMENT life? 😶😶 THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT. You got nothing.


Stand Alone Fruit
I think bank tellers are pretty much taught to sound the alarm if they are handed a note since it makes the situation suspicious. Usually a note handed to a teller reads “put X amount into a bag, turn around and count to a thousand” so I bet they just followed procedure. If he just quietly said whats on the note nothing would have happened.


All the guy did was walk into a bank completely obscuring his identity and hand over a note saying the teller needs to discreetly hand over thousands of dollars in cash. This is a completely normal everyday situation and in no way a deliberate attempt at getting attention.