Laura rich is desperate for patso's attention


Calling all simps

No response

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
They also believe cats purring helps with their muscles. They’ve looked into that for space travel as well. Why would you be asking a fat retard who lives in Milwaukee, doesn’t have a real job, or any science related credits? Saying big foot could be real is not a scientific credit. So could the fucking smurfs. Not sure if I’ll ever not be slightly surprised at how mentally challenged all of these people are.


They also believe cats purring helps with their muscles. They’ve looked into that for space travel as well. Why would you be asking a fat retard who lives in Milwaukee, doesn’t have a real job, or any science related credits? Saying big foot could be real is not a scientific credit. So could the fucking smurfs. Not sure if I’ll ever not be slightly surprised at how mentally challenged all of these people are.
Didn't this looney tunes cunt saw her kids cock off or give them puberty blockers or something? It's to be expected.
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It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Laura should know better than to expect Pat to answer this for 2 reasons -

1. Patrick is actually quite ignorant about science and physics. Don't forget that he confused 'eclectic' for 'elliptical' on numerous occasions in one book, and claims to write "hard science fiction" despite the fact that his works read like low IQ, low effort Douglas Adams rip offs with such tryhard offal as transgender space crabs, or an emphasis on 80s pop culture (because 80s nostalgia was hot at the time).

2. Laura Rich means nothing to Patrick. He doesn't give 2 shits about her, or her failure of a family. If she was 30 years younger, attractive or had a penis (preferably a combination of the 3), Pat would be all about retweeting her or responding. But, given that she looks like a sentient birch tree who allowed her one daughter to mutilate herself for social media asspats, silence is all she gets (or deserves).