Just watched "In the line of fire" for the first time.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Maybe you were tired or drunk but the film does have a dreamlike, soporific quality. Not to say it's boring but I can see someone falling asleep to it. I'm like that with 2001: A Space Odyssey
I was probably tired, not drunk; if you had cable down here they'd play epics and Westerns on the movie channels, but late at night; as a teen I'd watch a shitload of them in a row and be done before midnight.

So basically because of cable I've watched Tombstone 20+ times, and free-to-air in the 90s was nothing but Bruce Willis movies: Die Hard, Death Becomes Her, The Fifth Element. I'd say we had it better back then.
Maybe you were tired or drunk but the film does have a dreamlike, soporific quality. Not to say it's boring but I can see someone falling asleep to it. I'm like that with 2001: A Space Odyssey
If I am struggling sleeping that's the movie I put on to knock me right out. I have watched the movie almost 8 times by now but have no idea what happens after the first hour.