Just lol at this Pat ballwasher: "They're just virgins who have to hide behind anonymous accounts. They're just jealous."



So far, Dan the puss faggot has...

1) Been too scared to have me as an in studio guest on his show

2) been too scared to fight wormkiller

Pussy ass bitch! Dan the white knighting bitch would maybe fight us if he was defending robert mewlers honor... there'd an idea.

Joe's False Teethers

Moo moo moo moo
Dream scenario:
Dan actually takes Ricci up on his offer, and trains for 6 months. He shows up to the ring only to see Ricci reveal himself to be Joe Cumia, and Joe starches Dan within 15 seconds and then immediately goes into Layla
A nigga changes his name and the next day this board forgets who they were.

Ricci is Wormkiller, and Tony is still Snake to me dammit!