Just got back from the pictures, fuckin nauseating

I went with my lady friend to see the Elvis movie at our local theater and this faggotry was the first trailer up. Bring on the rapture.

Bonus is the smelly hick next to me booed after it played, the only reaction to this turd as no one laughed or cheered in the right places.

Yeah my buddy saw The Elvis movie last week and he texted me that there was some gay trailer right out of the gate. Was probably this one.
Anyone left who don't miss this guy?



We went to see Top Gun a few nights ago and were in hell during the trailers. The last movie we saw was Dragged Across Concrete and oh boy have trailers gotten worse. The niglets outnumbered the humans 7:1 at least.

We almost got whiplash turning our heads to look at each other and laugh when this one started:

Really!??? Black horse ranchers living in some old farmhouse in Texas or some shit? Yet they act all ghetto? Because that's believable!
Years ago, after yet another Spike Lee movie died a quick death, I asked a black co-worker why black people don't pack the theaters in droves to support "black" movies. His reply was that black people like good movies, like everyone else, and Spike's endless black nonsense just wasn't entertaining to them, or to anyone else. Homos are the same way. They will see straight through this pitiful, desperate pandering and reject it, leaving exactly no one as the remaining audience.
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We went to see Top Gun a few nights ago and were in hell during the trailers. The last movie we saw was Dragged Across Concrete and oh boy have trailers gotten worse. The niglets outnumbered the humans 7:1 at least.

We almost got whiplash turning our heads to look at each other and laugh when this one started:


Really!??? Black horse ranchers living in some old farmhouse in Texas or some shit? Yet they act all ghetto? Because that's believable!
They have cinemas in the woods, you fraud faggot?


I went with my lady friend to see the Elvis movie at our local theater and this faggotry was the first trailer up. Bring on the rapture.


Bonus is the smelly hick next to me booed after it played, the only reaction to this turd as no one laughed or cheered in the right places.
We should’ve lost the battle of Tora Bora.


We went to see Top Gun a few nights ago and were in hell during the trailers. The last movie we saw was Dragged Across Concrete and oh boy have trailers gotten worse. The niglets outnumbered the humans 7:1 at least.

We almost got whiplash turning our heads to look at each other and laugh when this one started:

Really!??? Black horse ranchers living in some old farmhouse in Texas or some shit? Yet they act all ghetto? Because that's believable!

There's a nope to NOPE joke somewhere but I can't be bothered.


We went to see Top Gun a few nights ago and were in hell during the trailers. The last movie we saw was Dragged Across Concrete and oh boy have trailers gotten worse. The niglets outnumbered the humans 7:1 at least.

We almost got whiplash turning our heads to look at each other and laugh when this one started:


Really!??? Black horse ranchers living in some old farmhouse in Texas or some shit? Yet they act all ghetto? Because that's believable!
Exactly my experience at Top Gun. Those trailers really made me uncomfortable. Why not make them good and not bad?