Just a couple of pedos eating bugs, nothing to see here

How did it go from Letterman to these unfunny assholes so quickly
It's that fucking internet. Back in the day, only people who watched Dave or listened to Stern knew what they were doing or saying, and no one else gave a fuck. But now, if Jimmy Fallon were to make a joke about how black guys love Kylie Jenner's big fat ass, the clip would go viral within minutes and by morning he'd have protestors gathered in front of his house. Then he'd be fired and he'd spend the rest of his life under a cloud of perpetual outrage, like with Louie CK.

So the networks hire these bland comedians who haven't been truly funny in years, and they have them parrot the safe, woke, liberal-approved, applause break-generating "observations" about whoever's safe to hate today, whether it's Trump, The Supreme Court, crazed gunmen or whatever. No one can tell jokes or even try to be truly funny, lest they drive those sponsors away. There's a whole faggot army out there, combing through pop-culture looking for transgressions to punish. It used to be the old people doing that to the young people, but now it's the other way around.


Jacques De Gautier
It's that fucking internet. Back in the day, only people who watched Dave or listened to Stern knew what they were doing or saying, and no one else gave a fuck. But now, if Jimmy Fallon were to make a joke about how black guys love Kylie Jenner's big fat ass, the clip would go viral within minutes and by morning he'd have protestors gathered in front of his house. Then he'd be fired and he'd spend the rest of his life under a cloud of perpetual outrage, like with Louie CK.

So the networks hire these bland comedians who haven't been truly funny in years, and they have them parrot the safe, woke, liberal-approved, applause break-generating "observations" about whoever's safe to hate today, whether it's Trump, The Supreme Court, crazed gunmen or whatever. No one can tell jokes or even try to be truly funny, lest they drive those sponsors away. There's a whole faggot army out there, combing through pop-culture looking for transgressions to punish. It used to be the old people doing that to the young people, but now it's the other way around.
I think you just took all my hope away
I think you just took all my hope away
It'll all turn around again by 2040-2050, and you'll see all kinds of think pieces about "whatever happened to political correctness?" authored by aging zoomers who just CAN'T BELIEVE what that awful new comedian or music star said. But IMO we're right in the middle of this current cycle of faggotry right now, and it'll probably get worse before it gets better.


Jacques De Gautier
It'll all turn around again by 2040-2050, and you'll see all kinds of think pieces about "whatever happened to political correctness?" authored by aging zoomers who just CAN'T BELIEVE what that awful new comedian or music star said. But IMO we're right in the middle of this current cycle of faggotry right now, and it'll probably get worse before it gets better.
I have a pretty open minded black friend (shocking I know) and I keep telling him black people are going to get blamed for the absolute lack of entertainment over whatever period it is. He agrees


The video is roughly a year ago. Let's see how that vegan diet, AIDS, and adrenochrome deficiency are treating Iron Man.
