Jump Boxes


The gunslinger.
Holy Shit that was funny. Pat bought jumping boxes yet he’s very fat and 42. Even Pat knew that was a stupid purchase because he never mentioned them again.

On the top floor of his 150 year old house, where he also put all his weights and stuff in one small surface area. The second he starts using those he’s going to jump straight through his floor.


You can tell this sociopath marked it up just for a fake tweet



Farted in Nikis pussy
All fitness enthusiasts use an X to describe their workout routines. No need to describe what form of training you are doing or which muscle groups you are exercising, just an X is sufficient.pizz
After he got kicked out of that fitness club, he signed up for Planet Fitness. His trips to the gym are on Pizza night, donut day, and any other day where they give free food. The X isnt to signal a work out, its a signal that he went to the gym for his free food.


All fitness enthusiasts use an X to describe their workout routines. No need to describe what form of training you are doing or which muscle groups you are exercising, just an X is sufficient.
I'm sorry you're so stupid child, X is what fit, trim, actual tough guys use as all of my workouts are "total body" as in my total body sits on a stool eating healthy protein laden meat loaf and carb loading Miller Lights.