Joseph Cumia moos about Sturgis.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Hey, “Boomer”, why the fuck weren’t you there? You don’t work, your hag has dead husband money, and you can drop Layla off at her mom’s house for the weekend. Scared? I thought you had a “robust immune response” because you were laid up for two weeks. Hrmph.


Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Why wasn’t I there? Why weren’t you there? See? How RETARDED you are? I had PAYING gigs to PERFORM at. You guys forgot about THOSE huh?? Well I’m not a LAZY MILLENIAL who can just CHOOSE to skip work. You guys wanted me to go? Should have GOT my gig CANCELLED🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!!!

I was Pointing out how SMALL the AMOUNT of people with the “China” flu is.

My immune system is doing great. Eating well helps. Not like CERTAIN morons I could name. You know? The ones who still LIVE with their PARENTS?? I’ll continue to keep on rocking, you guys keep on POSTING into this void of SHIT. You can’t do anything to ME😎😎😎. #STILLROCKING #sturgisSTRONG #ChinaSCAM


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Why wasn’t I there? Why weren’t you there? See? How RETARDED you are? I had PAYING gigs to PERFORM at. You guys forgot about THOSE huh?? Well I’m not a LAZY MILLENIAL who can just CHOOSE to skip work. You guys wanted me to go? Should have GOT my gig CANCELLED🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!!!

I was Pointing out how SMALL the AMOUNT of people with the “China” flu is.

My immune system is doing great. Eating well helps. Not like CERTAIN morons I could name. You know? The ones who still LIVE with their PARENTS?? I’ll continue to keep on rocking, you guys keep on POSTING into this void of SHIT. You can’t do anything to ME😎😎😎. #STILLROCKING #sturgisSTRONG #ChinaSCAM
Thank you for keeping it brief, Joe. Now I gotta run, mom made eggs and bacon for breakfast!