Joseph Cumia bravely out drives an armed hoodrat


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Here's what actually happened. He cut the black kid off, either by driving on the shoulder or not looking. The black kid shouted at Joe, and gave him the finger. Joe then called him a nigger, the kid then pulled out a gun and Joe punched it, shit himself and drove even more aggressively as usual to the nearest cop or police station


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
Revisionist history just like Nana's run in with that hooker in Times Square, Joe ain't fooling anybody. He backed down like a sissy and then ran to safety to complain and whine on Twitter to his few boomer followers.

It's nice to see the Cumia scum being humbled by those they detest the most yet again. Joe Sr must be spinning in his grave seeing the cowards his sons have become.
Revisionist history just like Nana's run in with that hooker in Times Square, Joe ain't fooling anybody. He backed down like a sissy and then ran to safety to complain and whine on Twitter to his few boomer followers.

It's nice to see the Cumia scum being humbled by those they detest the most yet again. Joe Sr must be spinning in his grave seeing the cowards his sons have become.
They're the toughest motherfuckers around...on Twitter.


Revisionist history just like Nana's run in with that hooker in Times Square, Joe ain't fooling anybody. He backed down like a sissy and then ran to safety to complain and whine on Twitter to his few boomer followers.

It's nice to see the Cumia scum being humbled by those they detest the most yet again. Joe Sr must be spinning in his grave seeing the cowards his sons have become.
Nah, Joe Sr. wouldn't give a fuck. He was a pussy too. Guy ran from every responsibility he ever had, lived like a dirtbag, and drank his ass to death. Anthony is just his father with a little more money.