Joe's going gambling in Estonia to afford new teeth


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
Remember - "I've barely spent a dime on this trip"



Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
travels all the way to estonia and he will spend hours starring at a green felt table just like as if he was at home @ Atlantic City. What a way to waste of a paid european tour. I hear Tallinn is a pretty nice port town/city.
It is, the old town has great architecture, being right at the port would have the fish market.
I don't eat any shellfish but one of my regrets is not trying oysters when I was there.
A guy in a business suit had strolled in, paid for some oysters, tipped the lady a few euro to shuck them and just ate them straight up, there and then. If I was ever going to try oysters it should have been then, they had just come off the boat that caught them and couldn't be fresher.

I did purchase 3 carrier bags of fish heads for 20c a kilo and fed them to giant sea birds outside which was a riot.