Jim Norton the “Actor”


Powdered Toast Man
I watched The Knick a while back and was shocked when Norton showed up for 10 seconds with a huge moustache. Can't belive it never gets brought up on here.

Someone raided the wardrobe from "Drunk History". Why is he delivering the dialogue like there's a zinger at the end? It's like the same delivery he had on Tough Crowd without the punchline. It's almost as if he realized his "dramatic style" of acting wasn't convincing anyone so he decided to revert to his 2002 Spiderman days.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
He really is the worst actor of all time by far. He had no right to criticize Vos in “A Bronx Tale” which was much better than anything Worm has ever done. He complains about “what to do” with his hands but he’s so bad I don’t even notice them. Even his line in Spiderman was shit I thought. I’m convinced that if Steve Sweeney had gotten his part in “Lucky Louie” (and he should have) the show would’ve had a second season and Rich would’ve been a classic TV character like Louie de Palma.
Louie did Jim a favor and then he really motherfucked him.