@jessphoenix2018, we simpin' for you nigga

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.


Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
Looks like another woman has joined Dana Schnozz and Anica Man-ica in putting Patty on the Pay No Mind List.

For someone who once claimed to be akin to an "Old Testament Sex God", why are you so bad at this?

Is this why he has resorted to simping for trannies?
Brianna Wu might have responded to him like, once

He thinks they're friends and uses that to brand himself as an ally

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Meanwhile Pat only gets 4 retweets on the topic. Pat wishes he can get one tweet with that kinda interaction. Maybe 7-8 tweets a year he gets a good amount of people actually interacting with what he posts. She took his post and left him in the dust.

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
If any woman with low standards took five minutes to read his tantrums and obsessions that are ever so public on Twitter, I guarantee even the ugliest woman would put him on the No-Fuck List.
His only fan, and the only "woman" who ever truly loved him was Liz Clarke.

Pat ignored her like he gets ignored by everyone else cause in his deluded mind, he's too good for her even though they're a fat made in heaven