Jesse Ventura and Jim Norton are two retards

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Jim is pretty fucking retarded, but Jesse isn't really an intellectual powerhouse either

Club Soda Kenny vs Jesse Ventura

who ya got?

Jim "your brave, i'm a coward, I got it"

yeah jim, you did have it

"i'm not gonna fight a guy like you"

thats real big of you jim


Jim is pretty fucking retarded, but Jesse isn't really an intellectual powerhouse either

Club Soda Kenny vs Jesse Ventura

who ya got?

Jim "your brave, i'm a coward, I got it"

yeah jim, you did have it

"i'm not gonna fight a guy like you"

thats real big of you jim
He was just asking questions! I always actually thought Jim was a decent third mic who seemed involved in his interviews. This was an interesting but all around pointless discussion for this show though.


I always actually thought Jim was a decent third mic who seemed involved in his interviews.
Unless those interviewees motherfucked Jim then he would sit there and fawkin broooood.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Jesse is a bit of a bonehead but his mindset is in the right place. Laugh at his “DEMOCRIPS AND REBLOODLICANS:fighter_sm:” saying all you want but it’s 100% true. This country is run by two mobs that give us the illusion of free choice but really have sinister motives under their sleeves. They keep the sheep distracted by making them fight eachother over nonsense like “CRT IN SCHOOLS!” and “omg white people are racist!” so they can do all the dirty work behind the curtain. Jesse has been very vocal about this.

His only problems are, for one thing, his way of explaining things, and also his debating tactics. He isn’t very coherent and jumps from one topic to the next because when pressured in a debate, he can’t quickly come up with a response so he jumps to something irrelevant to avoid it. And when he’s finally backed into a corner, he puts words in the mouth of the person he’s debating and tries to pull some shit about the other person being 100% in support of the government. Something like this:

“Wait so how can you prove that the BBC did a pre-broadcast of Building 7 falling down before it was even hit?”

“Ok well FAINE, let’s just take the government’s line on it. Why would they lie to us at all? Let’s just let them control us and believe everything they tell us. That’s ok with me!” :fighter_sm:

This method of debating makes both him and his arguments look weak. I love Jesse (to the point where I practice imitating him regularly) and a lot of his opinions, but he’s the worst person to be parroting conspiracy theories. Not necessarily because he’s wrong, but because his delivery is terrible.

But that Jim Norton guy is a fucking retard and a boring unfunny hack. His career ended along with Anthony’s.


i love debate, its how i got into blood sports

after watching slighter smarter retards debate its impossible to listen to opie and anthony episodes with any “debate” over anything political