Jenna is right. I admit it. I'm actually jealous of Dan's happy marriage with Flavia.




Just ordered my own Flavia for 3000 sheckels. Her name is Shira and she is from Israel. So suck on that, goyim!

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
I’d like our Jungle Asian correspondent, Josiah, to weigh in. Josiah, comment?
lol Filipinas are easily the LEAST subservient.

In my experience from least to most
Hispanic > Asians > (everyone else) > blacks (it's weird though)

Filipinas are a hispanic asian hybrid and are definitely the type to slice your rod off if they even have a dream that you cheated on them.


lol Filipinas are easily the LEAST subservient.

In my experience from least to most
Hispanic > Asians > (everyone else) > blacks (it's weird though)

Filipinas are a hispanic asian hybrid and are definitely the type to slice your rod off if they even have a dream that you cheated on them.
Arent blacks total cunts? Like Nia Burr.

I'd absolutely love to have a la fawnduh tbhwy...

images (19).jpeg


WWAW light skin/biracial black girls all have this gross darker tone to their inner thighs (friction burns idk)? I'd take a blurple Haitian bitch with a nice body any day just to avoid that.
Torquester wants a Russian chick but not sure if they're all evil and would just pretend to like me for the green card. 😭

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Arent blacks total cunts? Like Nia Burr.

I'd absolutely love to have a la fawnduh tbhwy...

View attachment 70703
Black women are as submissive as it gets if you aren’t a pussy, at least from my experience. They crave white men putting them in their place. They tend to fuck better than white women strictly due to them knowing that they’re lesser. You can treat a black woman like shit and they will still suck your dick. If they weren’t niggers they would be perfect to breed.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Torquester wants a Russian chick but not sure if they're all evil and would just pretend to like me for the green card. 😭
Russians are Asiatic. They’re emotionless & lack empathy like the Chinese. They only care about money. Just go to Brooklyn and fuck them like everyone else does, but don’t date them. They’re gold diggers and look for simps. Ukrainians are similar but at least they hate Jews and niggers. In my opinion Ukrainian women are hotter than Russians are. If you’re looking for a mail order bride go Romanian or Moldovian. They’re hot, poor and speak English. They would probably love you forever for taking them out of their homeland.
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