Jeff Goldblum is a faggot


I get very creepy vibes from him, i bet he has some skeletons in his closet. I was surprised to learn he’s married to a woman i always thought he was gay.
I thought he was fantastic in The Fly, but he's really gone full gay jew in his later years.



Didn’T LisTen
About a decade ago, I used to play drums in a jazz quintet that would do the fine dining circuit and private events here in OC. Our singer was this really pretty Italian American girl who would also sing in Jeff Goldblum’s jazz group in LA once in a while. One time at a gig this girl says to me, “hey, Jeff needs a drummer for the group to play a gig at Catalina Jazz Club next week. Are you interested?” I asked how much it pays. She goes, “he won’t pay you, but the gig is a lot of fun, great exposure, and you get to hang out with him.” I said “pffft. Fuck that and fuck him.” I wasn’t about to drive all the way into Hollywood and deal with the horrendously shitty parking that I’d probably end up paying for and loading/unloading my drums for no pay. Cheap kike.

Another funny side note is a couple years after this, I had a gf whose mom had a years long crush on Goldblum. I told her this story and she seemed crestfallen, lol.
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You know how rockstars can get away with stuff - like having a top hat collection or flashy thumb rings, that sort of thing?

I think actors should pretty much be allowed to rape women. It's kind of what fans expect at this point and at least the women get a good story out of it.