Jason Genova's old coath Adam Harper is having marital problems.



If anybody tries to dissuade you from posting too much, don’t give them the time of day
Finally some interesting content lately instead of “WWAW HOT SAUCE” or “SATURDAY MUSIC THREAD”
No rules, your show, etc
And downsy dan thinks he’s popular again
Hopefully somebody has the aria meltdown archived



If anybody tries to dissuade you from posting too much, don’t give them the time of day
Finally some interesting content lately instead of “WWAW HOT SAUCE” or “SATURDAY MUSIC THREAD”
No rules, your show, etc
And downsy dan thinks he’s popular again
Hopefully somebody has the aria meltdown archived

Not sure if serious but uhh

:image_9247: th-thank you


It was, but it was neutralized by the over laughter. To be fair, my opinion on Cumia has shifted so severely over the years that it has tainted how I feel about a lot of his work.
I can't deny that I found him and Norton very funny at one point. Always thought they were homosexuals though. I mean literally. I used to know these two gay guys who were hilariously quick, witty and bitchy and as soon as I heard Nana and Jim's rapport I was reminded of these guys David and Andrew.
Imagine having a wife (for now) and children and thinking sobbing on the internet like a mental patient is anything close to helpful.

I hope (((the state))) takes his children from him.