I've never seen Russian soys before. Like the type of Russians who'd be part of SFWA if they lived in America.



I don't assume Russians are rude because they don't smile, I assume they're scary. I assume anyone from Russia can beat the shit out of me no matter what size they are. I've never had anyone throw a head kick at me.
The average height in Russia is only 5'9", yet look at how fucking scary they are. Give me a 5'9" Russian over a faggot 6'0" Tomlinson or Shane any day.

Edit: um... to be in like, my team or whatever... not to fuck.


There's a Russian proverb that says "only a cretin smiles at strangers" or "only an idiot smiles for no reason" or something like that. When McDonald's etc moved over there post USSR, one of their biggest challenges was teaching Russian workers how to smile and be polite to customers. There was literally no reason to do that under Communism as all financial transactions were basically meaningless. You look at their history over the last few hundred years and it's understandable. There isn't much to smile about over there.


There's a Russian proverb that says "only a cretin smiles at strangers" or "only an idiot smiles for no reason" or something like that. When McDonald's etc moved over there post USSR, one of their biggest challenges was teaching Russian workers how to smile and be polite to customers. There was literally no reason to do that under Communism as all financial transactions were basically meaningless. You look at their history over the last few hundred years and it's understandable. There isn't much to smile about over there.
Just type in down syndrome in google images and literally all the results they're smiling.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
There's a Russian proverb that says "only a cretin smiles at strangers" or "only an idiot smiles for no reason" or something like that. When McDonald's etc moved over there post USSR, one of their biggest challenges was teaching Russian workers how to smile and be polite to customers. There was literally no reason to do that under Communism as all financial transactions were basically meaningless. You look at their history over the last few hundred years and it's understandable. There isn't much to smile about over there.
You can still experience this today at any Vietnamese airport where Burger King workers will snatch the money from you then throw the food on the counter in front of you.


Walter Gaggins
You can still experience this today at any Vietnamese airport where Burger King workers will snatch the money from you then throw the food on the counter in front of you.
You can experience this in Canada from any 14-18 year old white Canadian male working in fast food or retail. They never fake a smile or a thank you and it pisses me off. I'm polite as shit to them. The street shitter kids are all pleasant enough. They at least say please and thank you. I think the white guys just have it figured out that the fast food/shelf stocker gig doesn't really mean shit in the long run so they can just act how they want. Or they're just rude little pricks.


You can experience this in Canada from any 14-18 year old white Canadian male working in fast food or retail. They never fake a smile or a thank you and it pisses me off. I'm polite as shit to them. The street shitter kids are all pleasant enough. They at least say please and thank you. I think the white guys just have it figured out that the fast food/shelf stocker gig doesn't really mean shit in the long run so they can just act how they want. Or they're just rude little pricks.
Their rudeness isn't earned. Russians have genuinely shit lives. Those teenage white Canadians who are rude are fucking faggots because they're mad about climate change or whatever bullshit thing. Faggots.